Saturday, May 19, 2012

Home Depot, a craft show, Home Depot, the park

   Today was a full day for the boys and I.  We started out heading to Home Depot in Southport to see an Indy car and the USS Indianapolis model.  Unfortunately, the Indy car didn't make it, but the boys did get to see the ship model.  And they built stuff at the workshop (Jake a sailboat and Joe a helicopter).  So, it was still time enjoyed.
   Then, we headed to Zionsville to see my college teammate and roommate, Christen, at a craft show.  We saw some amazing hand crafted things...highly creative and well done.  Christen was so busy (which is good) that we didn't get to talk much (which was a bummer).  But we hope to see her soon.
  After that we were headed to Southeastway Park when I got a phone call that we had won a door prize at Home Depot.  I refrained from asking what it was (to know if it was worth the drive back...) but I was actually only about 4 miles away (the call came at a perfect moment).  So, we went.  Joe was asleep in my arms, but Jake was my usual gentleman helper.  We won a which Jake later said what I had been thinking as we stood waiting..."I'm glad we didn't just win one of those lights."  (there were solar lights and interior gold lights, etc).
   So, I put Joe back in his car seat to sleep while Jake and I figured out how to fit a huge firepit box, two bikes, and a cooler/picnic/lunch stuff in the car.  I did it.  The firepit took up the whole trunk, but I managed to fit the bikes in the front seat of my car!
   Next stop, the park.  The boys were excited to bike...especially Joe.  I hadn't been to this park since the last time we'd had a cross-country race there...8 years maybe?  They have paved a figure 8 bike path in addition to the shorter walking trails.  So, the boys did a loop...1.5-2 miles I would guess.  Being Saturday, it was crowded on the playgrounds with a church group.  So, the boys skipped that option. But we looked for frogs, fish, and turtles in the pond and wetland area. (too hot to see any) And knew we would enjoy coming back again to enjoy the trails and playgrounds.
   Onward we Mama and Papa's. We had to shower and get ready for a small group event in an hour.  It was a full day, but I was glad we got to spend a lot of it enjoying the outdoors. 

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