Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm not four, Mom!

   We went outside to enjoy the beautiful day. The boys had their bikes out so I asked Joe if he wanted me to take off his training wheels so I could help him ride in the grass holding his bike!  "Yep", he said without hesitation.
  After a couple rounds in the grass (where I wasn't really needing to hold him that tightly), I let him go and he did fine in the grass for a stretch.  Then, I had him go on the driveway while still holding him (easier for me, for sure!).  I could let go of him.  So, after a few more confidence building practices with Joe saying, "Can you still help me?"  I had Jake video Joe.

   Toward the end of one of these (out of Jake's video reach), Joe said to me, "Mom, I'm not four.  I'm not four yet, Mom!"   Apparently he remembered that we had said he could probably ride without training wheels when he was four!

   We took some more practice rides. Gradually, Joe started saying, "Can you just get me started?....Okay, you can let go!"  And he would ride no problem for a good stretch both on the driveway and on the grass!  So, I videoed him!

One very proud boy! :)

1 comment:

  1. way to go, Joe! and nice filming by Jake
