Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Catch of the day...

    I was watching the burn pile when I heard Jake and Joe shriek in delight.  I turned around to see something hopping and the boys cautiously heading toward it.  Once I realized it was a baby bunny, I told them to try to catch it.  Well, the poor thing must have been scared to death because it's ability to hop or run fast or far was non-existent.  Jake continued to be cautious, but Joe bound right in and grabbed at the hopping creature...finally grasping it in his "not so gentle" way.   With delight he yelled, "I got it, Mom!" and proceeded to laugh in delight. 

   The boys quickly sought to make a "home" for it.  They wanted the nature books out of my trunk so they could figure out which kind it was and what to do to care for it and feed it.  A box with grass in it became its home.  And, of course, they wanted to keep it....but then, after I pointed to Basil (the dog), they were afraid to leave it outside in the box.  So, it spent the night in the box (literally nose in the corner) in the detached garage. 

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