Thursday, August 9, 2012

Look who showed up...

   Last week one day as we were leaving the house, a kitten darted across the yard into the corn field across the street.  The next day, it showed up near the house again and slowly welcomed Jake's slow and gentle approach.  The boys delightedly played with their newfound friend all afternoon...naming her Daisy.  (other options...sunflower, coco, and choclate)

  Papa bought some milk and food for her b/c she seemed so hungry...and she has a bad gash on her leg.  And, so, she has established her little home between the brick piles.  She comes out promptly as we pull in and she hears our voices. 

  So, the boys are excited about their playmate!  And it is fun to watch her play as she practices pouncing and attacking...a stick.  Hopefully she can work on mice around the house and in the barn! :)

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