Friday, August 17, 2012

Sleepy boys

The boys took a nap this afternoon...later than we hoped, but at least it happened after the long busy week we have had.  So, about 3 pm is when they went down for a nap. 

At 6 pm I decided I had better wake the boys up so they could eat and still sleep at night.  I decided to wake Jake first.  So, I gently went to him and said his name a few times. He came out of his foggy sleep a little, so I laughed and said that he needed to wake up...that it was almost dinner time.  He popped straight up and as he sat there, he turned around, looked at the clock and then out the window and said, "seriously? it's dinner time?".  I said, "yeah" To which he promptly replied..."oh, it was a nap!"  

He thought he had slept all day! :)


  1. too funny - hard sleeper!

  2. it was a dreary day, that made the time deceptive! :)
