Sunday, December 23, 2012

A couple weeks of random things...

 Josh was going out to cut wood.  Joe eagerly dressed and followed to help.
Then, Josh decided to fill in some low spots on the driveway.  Joe wanted to get his wheelbarrow and help, too.   Wished I had the video camera on as Joe pushed his wheelbarrow across the yard next to Josh...but these pictures give you the idea! :)

I was fixing lunch one colder day and Joe said..."I think I'll just warm up right here!"

   Interesting in December...a rainbow after a thunderstorm.  When I see a rainbow, I always think "God keeps His promises" and then I ponder the promises He has shown me in recent days.
   However, in light of the Christmas season, I found myself chasing thoughts of His birth and of the promises people had to cling to for so long before seeing the promise fulfilled.  This led me to a series of thoughts before I realized I probably hadn't really thought about a lot of those things before...b/c rainbows are so rare in December.  Amazing where a simple rainbow took me for a few moments...God Keeps His Promises! :)

So, Jake was out practicing with the pellet gun and a box.  Shortly, thereafter he and Joe were traveling the yard looking for things to shoot at. (Joe had a stick gun.)   Then, this was how we saw the boys...hunting for birds in the tree by the barn. 

Daisy wanted to check on the fun. I found this series of pictures to be a funny short "movie" where Daisy creeps up...
Daisy checks out the attacker...

 She tries to attack...
 Daisy goes down! :)

Here the boys are watching a video that has a segment on the Blue Angels.  I realized they were pretending to be the planes on the video...switching places at times in order to act like the stuntmen in the planes! Quite creative and worth the 2 minutes of watching...

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