Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The BIG bus

  This week has had several highlights...but Joe was super excited about riding with the swim team on the big yellow bus.  The mini-busses were fun for the the first couple meets, but he would ask, "When can we ride on the big yellow bus?" 
  Tuesday was the big day.  All day Joe talked about riding on the bus.  "I can't wait to ride on the bus," said Joe to Jake.  Jake said, "A pretend one...oh, yeah, the one with the swim team this afternoon. Yeah, I know, it will be fun!"  (One was obviously anticipating it a little more than the other! :)
   Once on the bus, Joe took his seat and said, "No seat belts, Mom?" "I guess not." I replied, as I realized how fear-inflicting those words can be.
   Not phased, Joe eagerly peered out the window sitting properly in his seat...legs barely wrapping over the front edge of the seat.  Jake sat behind him-equally intrigued by what was out the he could stand up and lean forward to tell Joe what to watch for.  They talked back and forth between the window/seat space...eager to share what they were seeing.
  On the ride home, Jake was asleep (upright) within 5 minutes.  But Joe kept watch, taking it all in.  He gets so excited when he sees outdoor decorations.  So, eventually, I thought to have him sit on my lap so he could see over the seat in front of him at the road.  This was when the bus driver realized this was Joe's first time on a bus...and commented how it was obvious Joe was taking it all in.  Despite how tired he was, Joe managed to fight it off and stay awake all the way home.

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