Sunday, December 23, 2012

It snowed...

an inch...maybe...but it was gusting wind at 40 mph.  So...two little boys just stayed inside and watched from the window.  NOT!

Nope.  The Hawkins duo put on multiple layers covering their entire bodies...and ventured out into the wind, cold, and snow.  And they loved it.

Mom finally got up enough desire to head out and join them!  (I believe the wording to Josh was "They are only this age once! And some day I'll wish I went out with them in the freezing cold...I think!")

Daisy was the smart one.  She darted out the garage door as soon as it was (blown) open.  But, after two steps, she darted back in the garage like she had just been shot out of a cannon.  I think the wind was blowing hard enough that she probably had great assistance from behind with her speed.

Anyway...the boys shoveled the drive (Jake wanted to be sure we could get our cars out.) And then we got our slick sled out to test the hill in the woods that we cut out.  It worked pretty well the first few times, but it just wasn't enough snow to really have fun for long.
So, we traveled the yard looking for a better spot.  Not much luck, though.

Our feet were we went inside.

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