Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cookies, cookies...and...

Sunday we made sugar cookies.  The boys each got half the dough to help make the cut outs (insert "lots of flour making a big mess").  They had so much fun picking which cut out to use next...talking about the details and the shapes.

Then, on Monday, they iced the cookies.  This, of course, was to Joe's great delight. "Can I lick my finger?" must have been asked 100 times.  But, despite the mess, it was interesting to see their creativity and their different styles of decorating the cookies.

Tuesday found us at the library for a Family Christmas story time.  We saw friends we hadn't seen in awhile which was really fun.  And we enjoyed stories, songs, a couple of crafts, and, of course, milk and cookies! :)

And...of course, the week has been filled with schoolwork, talking about advent, learning about the books of the Bible, talking about compassion (from their Sunday school lessons) and attempting to put all we are learning into practice.  Fun stuff...!

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