Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Campout

   Saturday afternoon, we decided it would be a good night to camp out in our yard. Since we can't live in the house yet, why not enjoy Easter morning with breakfast by the campfire as the sun comes up!?!

   So, we left the house to go back to Mama and Papa's to get tents, sleeping bags, food, etc. (amazingly I know where each of those things are and they are easily accessible).  And we headed back to our house with all the supplies.  The boys were excited...especially Joe who kept saying, "I am just so excited. I like camping out!"

   As we waited for the dinner to cook, the boys hunted Easter eggs.  They found all but one of them hidden in the (thick) grass near the barn.  After a thorough search, we finally found the final egg.  Then, they enjoyed finding the surprises inside the eggs (candy, money, and Legos!).


Our burgers were well worth the wait...as were the roasted marshmallows.  By then, we were all ready to head to bed.  It was a cool enough night to stay comfortable yet warm enough to stay warm.  So, we slept!   And although we didn't hear any coons during the night, I did hear a train whistle several times in the distance at about 4:15 am.  I feel sorry for those that have to hear that often! 

Sunday morning (Easter), I got up to get the fire started.  Just after I got it started, the wind really picked up...and never died off.  So, breakfast took longer to fix since the heat wasn't staying constant under the food.  And the boys finally wanted out of the tent b/c it was being blown around so much!

  We ate a quick breakfast before jumping in the car to head back to Mama and Papa's for showers so we could get to church.  (Jake had made sure we thought through the time frames the night before so we wouldn't miss church.)   The boys wore their ties with jeans and cowboy boots.  I didn't get to take a picture before church...but caught Joe later. 

Overall, it was a memorable event.  I'm not sure if we'll ever find reason to camp out the night before Easter  again...or maybe it will be a new tradition! :) I'll let you know next year when I see the weather forecast!

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