Monday, April 23, 2012

Our little fish

They just keep swimming...better and better.  Here are some videos from last week!

In the videos of Joe, you might here him yell "Ready, set, GO!" as he jumps off the side. He also paused and said (because he had goggles on), "I can see your swim suit, Mom!" (as he was under water).  Then, he said, "I can see your hands under water, Mom!"  And, in one video, you'll here him say, "I'm going under water!" because he had finally figured out how to hold his breath (after doing many "bobs" at the wall where he would bob with his head leaned back in an attempt to not get water in his nose...not realizing this was a prime way to get water up his nose).

In the video of Jake, you'll see him swim the whole length of the pool by himself. He finally learned to roll on his back for the breath...and then roll to continue swimming!!!!

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