Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A loose tooth and the diving board

   Fortunately these two things are not directly related...but...yes, Jake has a loose tooth.  He was biting off some Legos to get them apart (which we've told him not to do). Later that day, he kept saying his tooth hurt. "Well, was that the tooth you used to bite Legos with?", was my loving response.
   That same night, he said something about the pain like..."it feels like there's a dip by my tooth."  I'm not sure why or how I instantly thought of a loose tooth.  But I asked, "Is your tooth loose?"  He nodded (like he knew what I meant).  So, I checked...and sure enough there was a wiggly little tooth...which did happen to be the same one he bit off Legos with.
   Now Joe is anxious to see Jake get a tooth pulled out. (Jack thought he was going to have to get a tooth pulled out a couple weeks ago and after Debbie explained this to Joe, he was very intrigued.  So, now that's the norm for every tooth issue from Joe's perspective.)  Joe also frequently states that Jake shouldn't have bit those Legos. 
   "My tooth is getting loos-er!"  We'll keep you posted!

 And then there is the diving board.  Can you tell they have NO fear?  Are they having fun?

 And then, Joe!


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