Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cutting down the tree...

  Don't worry.  This task came with the season...not the house! :)

  On Saturday, we ventured to find the right Christmas tree at the nearby tree farm.  The boys were excited...especially Joe.

   They enjoyed the tractor ride out to the hillside and scrambled off to start checking out the trees.  We found some "not so good ones".

And after much "up and down the hillsides" (which are very steep in places, I might add), we finally selected "THE ONE"! 
The boys said "timber" as it fell.  Then, Jake helped Dad carry the tree to the tractor/trailer and we watched the process of prepping it for the car trip.
We enjoyed hot cocoa and popcorn while Josh loaded the tree. 

And then we journeyed through the countryside (which made Jake think we were lost) and unloaded the bundle into our family room...where it fits perfectly!

Joe has been especially excited about decorating for Christmas.  (If only you could actually hear him try to say the word!) :)   After I pulled the few house decorations out and let them decorate the tree that is in their room, Joe was asking where all the outside decorations were and when we were going to put up all the outside lights.  (apparently a strong influence from Mama and Papa's house last year)

Every day (and even while in Walmart), Jack...I mean, Joe... has been trying to find decorations that go outside.  :)  Maybe next year....

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