Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2 weeks later...

   Well, what a difference a few days can make!  The upstairs is hardly recognizable in the house.
--Josh and Jack have pretty much gutted 2 of the rooms...floor to ceiling.
--Jack found a probable 100 year old wrench between the walls.
--Jake has learned how to help pry nails out of the lumber we've taken out of the house.
--Joe saying, "Papa, why you make smoke?" after Papa moved while in the barn and a puff of plaster    dust followed his movement.
--Josh and Jack each got vehicles stuck in the mud (on separate days) in the yard...!  Good thing we had the tractor nearby to help pull out!
--Joe got his foot stuck in the mud as the boys played in a muddy spot...and walked/ran right out of his boot, set his foot on the ground and called for help.  We had to put the muddy socked foot back in the boot because mom brought everything except back up shoes!

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