Friday, December 9, 2011

Great Joe Quotes...

   At church on Sunday, Joe's Wednesday night class teacher came up to me and shared the following conversation she had with Joe...
"So, Joe, do you have any pets?"
"What are their names?"
"Butch and Rusty"
"What kind of pets are Butch and Rusty?"
"Butch and Rusty!"
"Well, are they dogs?"
"No, they are Butch and Rusty!"
"Are they cats?"
"No! They are BUTCH and RUSTY!"
"Hmm, are they rabbits or goats?" (She knew the Smiths---who bought our house--have goats)
"Noooo!!!! They are Butch and Rusty!!!!"

The following week, Joe apparently immediately came up quietly to Ms. Jan and gently tapped on her leg saying,
"You thought Butch and Rusty are dogs.  They not dogs. (sheepishly) They COWS!" (if you can hear this in Joe's voice, it's all the better! :)

   On Monday at dinner, we were talking about Tuesday activities.  After listening for awhile, Joe eventually piped in with his thoughts about the next day. But instead of saying "tomorrow", he said..."after my dark nap, will we be..."Somehow I quickly figured out that he was saying, "after I sleep tonight".  Apparently, in his view, there is a light nap (afternoon) and a dark nap (night time)! :)

"Hey, mom!  Watch me jungle this pillow!"  (juggle)

Playing hide and seek...Joe's counting while we all hide and gets past 12 and it went something like this..."13, 14, um, 19, (pause, pause), um, 16, 12teen, um 19, hmm, ready here I come."

A few moments later as Josh is counting...Joe hides in the bathroom in the sauna with the light on and  was standing at the sauna door looking out for Josh to find him! :)


  1. Going to start using the phrase "my dark nap"...

  2. I know. When he said it, I immediately knew what he meant and laughed out loud!
