Friday, December 9, 2011

Gingerbread houses

   Our library provides a class once a month for homeschoolers.  This month, the activity was to build a Gingerbread house.  The ladies had put together the actual houses in advance so the frosting would have time to "set".  But the boys got to add all kinds of candy items...including snowman and gingerbread men marshmallows.  As the boys listened to instructions, Joe listened intently and kept making sure he was sitting right in his chair every time he wanted to prop himself on his knees. (He was obviously paying attention to what the other kids were doing.)  I couldn't help but laugh when Joe leaned close to me and urgently whispered..."she said we could eat some of da candy!" (nodding his head as he said it)

   The boys had a great time...and Joe's house even survived a head first landing from the dashboard to the floor of the car.

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