Jake wanted to read to Joe before Joe's naptime. So, Jake picked out some of his little homeschooling short books to read. Joe cuddled right up and listened! :)
During a library event for 1st-5th graders this week (through the summer reading program), Jake got to spend an hour learning about space and the moon. They played Comet, Comet, Star (Duck Duck Goose) listened to stories, ate snacks, and created shaving cream/glue moons as well as the phases of the moon out of Oreos. Of course, Jake loved it!!! (Meanwhile, Joe survived story time by himself ...for the first time without Jake!)
I encouraged Jake to take a picture so we could throw away the food he wanted to keep forever! :) |
On Thursday, during Joe's nap time, I let Jake have some things to look at or do during a rest time in his bedroom. I hoped he would sleep for a little bit, but he chose to look at the maps and do some crafts. He brought the maps out later (a USA and a world map) saying he had a question for me. He pointed to Indiana on the USA map (describing it as being below the lakes) and then asked if Indiana was where he was pointing on the world map below the lakes. He was correct and seemed to soak the information in thoughtfully.
Then, he showed me the picture he had colored and labeled. I asked what it was he had drawn and labeled... Noah in the Ark (check out that phonetic spelling on his own...). He forgot his "h" in "the", but I particularly like "Now" for "Noah". :) You may not be able to see the sticker is a boat traveling up and down on the waves! :) (a very modern boat...)
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So, they've had a fun week...going to dad's swim meet on Monday night (near the Ohio border) and getting to play with new friends there, Library events on Tuesday and Wednesday, small group friends stopping by our house Wednesday as we finished up dinner...playing until dark (their kids are the same ages as Jake and Joe), playground with small group friends on Thursday....who knows what we'll find to do today???