Thursday, June 7, 2012

You don't see this everyday...

  So, today is one of those days where I'm glad to be back in the mid-west.  Why? 

Here's why...

1. It's another "beautiful, not humid, not too warm, but just cool enough in the shade" kind of day.

2. I love that I can see sunrises and sunsets...simply because it is flat enough to see this across the big open sky. (and I'll mention that I am really excited about the views from our new none I've gotten to have before in a house--yet what I've always wanted). Simple reminders of the faithfulness of!

3. Sitting at our house, I LOVE looking out over the farm land around us as it greens up with crops...watching where the crop and tree lines meet the blue sky...with its puffy, cotton ball clouds in stacks across the big open sky. Spotted farms and houses lie in the distance in all directions to break up the farmland. A beautiful sight to me--that doesn't seem to get old...

4. don't always get to drive behind tractors as they travel down the road...but today...we slowly proceeded to follow (by choice) not one, but four tractors as they slowly made their way from the fields across from our new house to some fields near Mama and Papa's house.  I enjoyed it as much as the boys did...a chance to slow down and enjoy what seems to constantly zoom by each day.

5. Just now, I heard a child's voice and some clip clop sounds.  I glanced out the window as the sound drew find this...

It's an Amish family traveling down the driveway to our old house.  I don't think I've ever seen a buggy with a trailer behind it...much less a trailer holding a goat in a cage.  They must be selling Rob one of their goats. I had to get a picture because both boys are asleep.  And it's just not something you see everyday! :)

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