Thursday, June 7, 2012

Walls and wire

  So, here is a view of the siding completed on the west side of the house.

   And, Jake took a picture of the bee hives Jack has on our property.

  And, we have FINALLY moved inside with the work on the house.  So, now the walls are framed up inside the house and wire is being pulled throughout!  Can you feel the excitement? 
first...a picture of our flower garden that is coming along...slowly

upstairs bathroom (tub is on west wall)

upstairs bath (looking through to master closet/bedroom)

closets in the boys room

wall next to stairwell in the boys' room
master "hall" and closet

master closet (facing southwest to take this picture)

standing at master door looking north

closet in spare bedroom on stairwell wall (facing east to take this picture)

Spare bedroom wall/closet on stairwell

stairwell (looking south while standing at the top)
closet in north room (you can see the front door in the background)

our garden in the making

  As I keep showing the boys the newly completed things in their room, Jake's comment the other day was, "I want my clothes in my room. " as he stood in the doorway of the master closet.  Perplexed at first, I quickly realized he had forgotten that our current situation (with all the dressers in Mom and Dad's room) is not how it's always been. So, I reminded him that his dresser was in his room in TN and that it will be in this house, too. His response, "Good, b/c I want to be able to pick out my own clothes in my room. "  My response..." Yes, I'd like that again, too!" :)

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