Saturday, June 30, 2012

A little help from some friends...

   Our small group from church came to help out at our house for a couple hours last week.  It's neat to see and hear how kids are affected by the model of their parents.  Upon hearing he would be coming to Jake and Joe's house to work on their house, one of the 2 year olds immediately headed to his room to find his pj pants that had work tools all over them.  He, of course, wanted to help AND be dressed for the occasion! 

shoveling sand
moving sand
helping spread the sand

hanging drywall...ugh

sanding the wood
Wiring outlets (dad is inside the window and baby is in the stroller outside the house)

      Josh and I were blessed by the willingness to serve...and to the body of Christ was designed to function.  I was especially grateful to and blessed by the two moms who came with babies under 6 months old (and they each have toddlers as well).  Wow!  What sacrifice, service, and selfless-ness!!!!

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