Sunday, June 3, 2012

The week in review

 It's been a busy week. 

   Monday, although Memorial Day, wasn't much different than most days lately.  Josh and Jack worked at the house.  But I took the boys to the house armed with sprinklers, water balloons, squirt guns...oh, and paint supplies for crafts (Jake's request)! So, we had fun doing different things while they worked on the house!
   Tuesday was story time and the boys got to see friends at the library that they haven't seen for a few weeks during the break.  And Jake and I went birthday shopping for Joe.
   Wednesday was spent taking pictures at the Running Clinic, mowing at the house (while the boys road their bikes and created ramps to ride on), and spending time at the library for a juggling show.  Oh yeah, and haircuts for the men in the house.
   Thursday...the mowing was finished (only two snakes this time), I started to strip some door frames, and we headed to Josh's swim meet in the evening.
   Friday we went to the Running Clinic to help out again and the boys got to run in part of the mile race.  Jake ran a half mile and Joe ran a quarter mile. They were excited to join in on that part even though it was really chilly out for June 1st.

So, you won't be surprised by the videos and pictures below.

Running in the race...

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