Thursday, June 7, 2012

The big 4--oh.....

   Yeah, Joe isn't 40, but we did celebrate his 4th birthday...which was huge for him (seeing as he is always trying to catch up with Jake...and in this case, it's never going to happen)! :)

   Requests for the day...painted waffles for breakfast (waffles with frosting, that is); riding bikes and playing on the playground; camping out at the house (since we aren't living there yet like we hoped); tacos for dinner; and chocolate cake with M&M's, white frosting with sprinkles, and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. 

   We did have a fun day.  It started dreary, so the bike ride was cut short (after 3 miles in random loops around the park) by a rain shower.  But later in the day, the weather cleared for a perfect camping evening. And Joe enjoyed his day! :)
A kickstand (from Jake) since Joe doesn't have training wheels anymore
More bike stuff...horn, water bottle, mirror, and bike lock  ("Whoa, look at this!" says Joe)

Putting his new shovel to work cleaning up the wrapping paper

Showing how the digger moves up and down

Jake "reads" (from memory) the card he picked out for Joe.

"Yes...thanks, Mom.  Thanks, Dad.  Yes, a tractor!"

Joe waits patiently for Dad to extract the toy from its secure packaging (which requires more tools than one knows)

Is he excited or what?

The tractor Uncle Eric created at the Lego store for Joe!

Joe has waited for this cake...for joke!  I think it was the most anticipated thing for his birthday!

Joe helps sing "Happy Birthday" (with "dear Joseph") to himself!

We had to move into the barn to keep the candles lit! But he got 'em blown out!

Quickly grabbing candles to lick

I want that piece in the center...(which had 4 M&M's on top and lots of frosting!).

Listening to Dad's annual "birthday letter to Joe"

Jake caught a little butterfly.

Naps in the tent on Tuesday! :) (picture taken by Jake after he woke up)

picture Jake took b/c "Joe just looks so cute in the tent, Mom!"

Jake wanted a family picture on the front porch! :)


  1. Thanks for all the pics - feel like I was there (sort of). I'll take that piece of cake Joe didn't want!

  2. I don't recall him not wanting a piece of cake...ever!!!! :)
