Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Tractor Show, Antique Cars, and a Splash Pad

  Saturday proved to be an eventful day for the boys and I.  We ventured out nearby (with the main intention of getting gas and groceries), but planned to check out a tractor show, an antique show, and the newly opened splash pad at the park.
  First stop, the tractor show.  Talk about fun...we got out of the car, walked to the first building and only had to take about 1 step into the building before a complete excitement overtook the boys...especially Joe.  There were all kinds (and I mean all kinds) of tractors and implements and other structures in model form for sale.  We probably spent an hour just looking.  And Joe spent his birthday money on a few pieces to add to his collection...a sprayer, an air cart and drill, a planter, a 12 wheel articulated tractor, nitrogen tank, and a bush hog mower. (Mom purchased a few of the things to keep in the "treasure chest", Joe keeps asking when he can get something from the chest!)  SO, needless to say, that was a big hit.  And we found out about another good tractor show (that I had been wondering about) nearby in 2 weeks. 

  Next, we drifted to the playground to play in the splash pad.  You can see from the pictures that they didn't have a bit of fun there! :)

 We did eventually make it to Kroger where the antique cars and motorcycles were parked.  More fun looking at old stuff and dreaming!!!!   We managed to also get what we came for (gas and groceries) before heading home!

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