Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cutting down the tree...

  Don't worry.  This task came with the season...not the house! :)

  On Saturday, we ventured to find the right Christmas tree at the nearby tree farm.  The boys were excited...especially Joe.

   They enjoyed the tractor ride out to the hillside and scrambled off to start checking out the trees.  We found some "not so good ones".

And after much "up and down the hillsides" (which are very steep in places, I might add), we finally selected "THE ONE"! 
The boys said "timber" as it fell.  Then, Jake helped Dad carry the tree to the tractor/trailer and we watched the process of prepping it for the car trip.
We enjoyed hot cocoa and popcorn while Josh loaded the tree. 

And then we journeyed through the countryside (which made Jake think we were lost) and unloaded the bundle into our family room...where it fits perfectly!

Joe has been especially excited about decorating for Christmas.  (If only you could actually hear him try to say the word!) :)   After I pulled the few house decorations out and let them decorate the tree that is in their room, Joe was asking where all the outside decorations were and when we were going to put up all the outside lights.  (apparently a strong influence from Mama and Papa's house last year)

Every day (and even while in Walmart), Jack...I mean, Joe... has been trying to find decorations that go outside.  :)  Maybe next year....

The Week...

It has been a busy but good week  so far as we try to get back in the groove. 

As we have been talking about each book of the Bible with school this week, Jake has opened his Bible to find the book.  He started reading the first couple of verses in Numbers and was SO excited that he could read from his OWN Bible.   Fun moment!

We have enjoyed some beautiful mornings where the pink glow of the sun is on the horizon while the full moon/near full moon is setting out the family room window.  And then the reverse at the end of the day.  Pink glow in the west with huge moon in the east!   
Joe thought the moon went down and turned into the sun that comes up on the other side.  So, we were able to prove this to be false! :)   It is also fun that our science lesson this week is about the sun, stars, and we talk about creation day 4 and then see the beauty outdoors.  (What a reminder that God is the God of perfect timing!)

We found some fun books at the library this week.  It is always fun to find good books at the library.  We enjoy reading stories so much.  Joe loves to cuddle as we read and Jake never likes to miss what I am reading to Joe.  This week, Jake signed up to get his own library card.  So, he is very excited.  And he is able to read more books on his own.   What a fun process to watch...

Jake and Joe went to Mama and Papa's Tuesday while we had  swim meet.  Joe was delighted to flip the switch for the outdoor lights and help turn on all the indoor lights.  And...apparently Papa was watching the weather report out west where they have gotten 10 feet of snow in the mountains.  Jake wants to travel back to Winter Park and sled down the big hill. 

Wednesday was a beautiful day.  So, the boys and I rode bikes around the yard.  Then we rode out into the field next door to check out some of the hills.  From our kitchen window they looked like good sledding hills...short but steep.  So, we checked them out and found a few good spots to drive the 4-wheeler to. 
Then, we found a ditch area that fed into a dried up creek bed.  So, after lunch, we put on our muck boots and we came back out to investigate it.  We climbed into the dried up creek bed and dodged thorn bushes as we traveled along.  Daisy found us and joined the journey...!  We reached a point where the dried creek bed met/intersected some water and we discovered a whole winding creek that has water in it.  Some of it was frozen on top; so the boys enjoyed poking it with sticks.  Joe was very worried about Daisy falling in.   We continued to follow deer paths (they were everywhere...and I do mean everywhere...tons of them) along the water and through the woods.  By the time we reached the area with the ice we could see our neighbors' house.  So we had perspective of where we were...although Jake quickly recognized the meadow that we had hiked to from our house in January.  So, that was helpful for the boys to see how close they are to the house while still being able to explore.  Basil joined us for awhile too.  And we ventured back through the deer trails to our house.  A fun journey!

Flipping the switch

The day after Thanksgiving, we decided to take the boys to the lighting of the tree that is in the center of downtown Indy.  The boys were very excited. 

We did a little shopping while in Indy and then headed downtown.   It was a COLD night. So, we were bundled and ready to try to keep warm.  Fortunately enough other people chose to do the same ...which helped keep us surrounded by other warm bodies.  Although, the songs being performed did have repeated songs by a different performer and Jake was heard saying "This is boring!" he stood in the crowd....looking at people's legs!

As we held the boys, listening to music and waiting for "the moment"...Josh mentioned the fireworks to Jake.  Jake got worked up and worried about fireworks...and then Joe got wind of it...and he got worked up and worried about them, too.   So, we had to do some constant calming for the next 10-15 minutes. 

But finally...Santa journeyed through the crowd in his "sleigh" (a decorated truck).  And he took the stage... and flipped the switch...

Then...the fireworks started...and they were on the other street behind some buildings in front of us.  So, we could see the fireworks' reflection in another building (sometimes seeing them above the building in front of us) and the sound was muffled.  So, it all ended up being okay !    Whew!  And the boys enjoyed it after all! :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Zoo

  Normally I might be referring to our home life as "the zoo".  However, we really did take a trip to the zoo in Indianapolis Friday.  And the boys loved it. 

We have talked recently about water...and this week was focusing on oceans.  The zoo is set up by biomes and has a good Oceans exhibit...including a baby shark petting area. 

So, the boys and I took off early Friday morning in order to be back by swim practice.  For me, it was the most productive zoo visit ever. 

Jake's favorites...
   --the dolphin show
   --the shark petting
   --the roaring lions (we really did get to hear them roar...all three of them...several times)
   --the baby elephant
   --watching the baboons

Joe's favorites...
   --the bare bottom monkeys (baboons :)
   --the giraffes...especially the running one
   --the yellow and black striped animal (tiger)...which they got to be VERY close to...face to face with only glass between...amazing
   --the dolphin show
   --the shark petting

Petting the sharks

Watching the sea lions...under water

Laughing at the penguins...(grandpa would have enjoyed this)

Waiting for the dolphin show

Watching (and listening to) the sea lions...above water...  This guy on the rock had his eyes closed and would kind of flinch.  We wondered if he would fall off the rock.  Meanwhile the other two on the next rock down were yelling at each other fighting for their space on the rock.  I told the boys it was just like home! :)

Practicing our ski moves...

The yellow and black striped thing...this is the female...and the male was behind glass on the other side of us (in case you can't tell by the intense look in her eyes).

Love Joe's look

The lions

 Hear them roar...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's Thursday...

So, I woke up this morning realizing it is already Thursday.  Busy week, I guess.

Some fun highlights from the week...

  The boys carved/painted their pumpkins finally.  Jake drew a face on the pumpkin and cleaned it out and carved it all by himself (with a little help on the teeth getting the pumpkin cuts out).  Joe painted a scary pumpkin.  "Don't look yet. I'm painting a scary pumpkin. Isn't it scary?"


   Aunt Rachel and Uncle Eric watch the boys once a week during swim practice.  Well, the boys had a treat when Eric pulled out all his tractors and trailers and trucks from when he was a kid.  Eric had gone to his mom's to retrieve them, knowing the boys would enjoy them.  Next up, I hear, is Eric's retrieval of his Lego collection...which is pretty extensive! :)  I'm glad the boys can enjoy time with Eric and Rachel...and I'm glad they are willing to invest time in the boys despite their work schedules!

   School has been fun this week.  Finally feels like we are getting to do more than survive with the basics.  Jake's reading is improving each day.  This week, he seemed to click with how to tell time.  And his repetition with addition facts is starting to show it's value.  We also added piano and PE to the agenda yesterday.  Both boys worked on some piano skills for the first time...Jake by sight (ie...Jen) and Joe by ear (ie...Amy).  I taught Jake some things and had him practice (Dozen a Day warm up book...for those dying to know).  Jake hops off the bench after a bit of practice and Joe slid right in...and played the exact ear...correct notes and all.  Joe is the most subconscious sponge!!!!!

   Jake has been going to swim practice for an hour.  Yesterday he did extra kicking so he swam an hour and a half!!!!!  He is sleeping better! :)

  We almost have the wood burner up and running in the house.  Josh has been faithfully working on getting it ready to run.
   Jack and Josh spent Saturday afternoon cutting down the upper part of the "dead tree".  However, this was the part that was NOT dead and was at least 3-4 feet across. So, it took longer than expected...but finally came down. 

This was around 3 pm.

Where else can we make a cut to loosen it?

so close...

I missed the shot of Jack flexing with a manly roar at the boys after the tree finally yanked free.

6 pm...stuck in the ground while dragging it with the tractor...but at least it is down!

  That is all for now...seeing as I'm looking out the window to a pink glow which means my favorite part of the day is about to break through...the sunrise.  I'll be in the kitchen enjoying the view...




Thursday, November 8, 2012

Handy camouflage

   So, I have been trying to figure out how to finish the walls in the boys' room.  I got the idea of painting a camouflage border...but ...figuring out the best way to accomplish that was a whole other challenge.  (as if there aren't enough challenges to think about these days)

  I had decided to create a stencil.  But at the last minute decided to do something a little more abstract (b/c I was afraid the pattern wouldn't repeat well enough with a stencil).

  Fortunately, one of my former runners, Taryn, was in town for the weekend and wanted to come by the house.  When she found out I was planning to paint, she offered to throw on her painting clothes and help.  As we brainstormed some ideas, we came up with using the boys' handprints to create a camouflage pattern on the wall.

  Perfect...!  :)

Big "firsts"

  Last week we noticed that a combine was working at the Miller farm down the road.  So, we were able to talk with Bill on Sunday and find out what his schedule was for the week this week.  The boys were anxious and ready to ride in a combine.  So, my job was to find one for them to ride in! :)

  We drove over to the farm and parked by the house...trekked through the already harvested part of the corn field...and headed to the combine.  Bill saw us coming and drove over to pick us up (since he was just getting started).

  So the boys and I rode (one standing and one on my lap) for about 5 acres (about an hour)...and enjoyed learning several things from the inside of the combine.  And we saw a deer and 4-5 rabbits (who now have no home!).  The boys loved it.  In fact, toward the end...Bill asked if they were bored yet and they quickly and enthusiastically said, "No!"

   On Wednesday, we saw 3 deer in the yard (right by the barn) and we were able to enjoy watching them from the family room windows. (and we traveled the house...window to they moved) :)
   Then, Jake took his first tests in school.  And he made an "A" on each of them (math and language).
   He also read from his Bible reader for the first time and did very well.  Nothing like hearing your child able to read God's word by himself.

   Then, Jake had swim practice for the first time.  Mom ended up coaching him and another boy that we know from library and church.  But, it was good to see him working hard and trying new things.

  And...for the first time in 3 weeks...we have HEAT!  (Of course, the weather is warming up now for a stretch...)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The big trip...

 October found us gearing up for Jen's wedding in Colorado.  So, after Grammie and Grandpa picked us up from Indiana, we started the trek toward Colorado. 

First stop...Saint Louis...The Arch...(or "the march" as Joe kept calling it).  I wasn't sure if the boys would be keen on traveling up in the Arch.  But they didn't hesitate to do it...and they loved seeing the view (and the details) of everything at the top.

 Once at Andy's condo, we found a playground with a BMX/skateboard park.  The boys quickly took interest in trying out the BMX park after watching some other kids at it for awhile.  They did well... although my heart took a beating with every narrow escape from disaster. :)

 We spent a day at RMNP.  We were very glad that the weather had allowed us to even travel the main road through the park.  It was actually snowing (not collecting) while we were at the Alpine Vis Center.  Joe wanted to sled on some nearby snow from a previous snow.  We tried to explain where he would end up if we let him on a sled...!   A huge highlight was spotting lots of elk...and getting to hear them bugle.  God's creation is amazing.

Jen and Andy headed up to the condo Friday night.  And it snowed Friday we had some fun Saturday, playing in the snow...!  (The boys were VERY excited about the snow!)  And it was 3-4 inches of great wet snow...

We traveled to Golden...a beautiful drive through the canyon with the fall colors.  We stopped to take pictures on the bridge so we could update the pics from 3 years ago!  And we spent the day at the Colorado RR Museum...lots of neat stuff to see there.

Then, we headed to Boulder...for the wedding.  Friday's lunch was at Andy's sister's house.  So, the boys had fun on the trampoline there...

Friday night was the rehearsal...

And then, the wedding day...!
(Peeking out about 2 minutes before walking down the aisle!)

We trekked back to Indiana with a stop in Kansas City.  We got to spend a day at the Union Station seeing trains...and a stop at Legoland.  The boys thoroughly enjoyed each...especially when they got to stand on a bridge and see a train go under them...seeing the engineers waving back at them!  :)

Simple pleasures...simple blessings!   Special memories...