Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's Thursday...

So, I woke up this morning realizing it is already Thursday.  Busy week, I guess.

Some fun highlights from the week...

  The boys carved/painted their pumpkins finally.  Jake drew a face on the pumpkin and cleaned it out and carved it all by himself (with a little help on the teeth getting the pumpkin cuts out).  Joe painted a scary pumpkin.  "Don't look yet. I'm painting a scary pumpkin. Isn't it scary?"


   Aunt Rachel and Uncle Eric watch the boys once a week during swim practice.  Well, the boys had a treat when Eric pulled out all his tractors and trailers and trucks from when he was a kid.  Eric had gone to his mom's to retrieve them, knowing the boys would enjoy them.  Next up, I hear, is Eric's retrieval of his Lego collection...which is pretty extensive! :)  I'm glad the boys can enjoy time with Eric and Rachel...and I'm glad they are willing to invest time in the boys despite their work schedules!

   School has been fun this week.  Finally feels like we are getting to do more than survive with the basics.  Jake's reading is improving each day.  This week, he seemed to click with how to tell time.  And his repetition with addition facts is starting to show it's value.  We also added piano and PE to the agenda yesterday.  Both boys worked on some piano skills for the first time...Jake by sight (ie...Jen) and Joe by ear (ie...Amy).  I taught Jake some things and had him practice (Dozen a Day warm up book...for those dying to know).  Jake hops off the bench after a bit of practice and Joe slid right in...and played the exact ear...correct notes and all.  Joe is the most subconscious sponge!!!!!

   Jake has been going to swim practice for an hour.  Yesterday he did extra kicking so he swam an hour and a half!!!!!  He is sleeping better! :)

  We almost have the wood burner up and running in the house.  Josh has been faithfully working on getting it ready to run.
   Jack and Josh spent Saturday afternoon cutting down the upper part of the "dead tree".  However, this was the part that was NOT dead and was at least 3-4 feet across. So, it took longer than expected...but finally came down. 

This was around 3 pm.

Where else can we make a cut to loosen it?

so close...

I missed the shot of Jack flexing with a manly roar at the boys after the tree finally yanked free.

6 pm...stuck in the ground while dragging it with the tractor...but at least it is down!

  That is all for now...seeing as I'm looking out the window to a pink glow which means my favorite part of the day is about to break through...the sunrise.  I'll be in the kitchen enjoying the view...




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