Thursday, November 8, 2012

Big "firsts"

  Last week we noticed that a combine was working at the Miller farm down the road.  So, we were able to talk with Bill on Sunday and find out what his schedule was for the week this week.  The boys were anxious and ready to ride in a combine.  So, my job was to find one for them to ride in! :)

  We drove over to the farm and parked by the house...trekked through the already harvested part of the corn field...and headed to the combine.  Bill saw us coming and drove over to pick us up (since he was just getting started).

  So the boys and I rode (one standing and one on my lap) for about 5 acres (about an hour)...and enjoyed learning several things from the inside of the combine.  And we saw a deer and 4-5 rabbits (who now have no home!).  The boys loved it.  In fact, toward the end...Bill asked if they were bored yet and they quickly and enthusiastically said, "No!"

   On Wednesday, we saw 3 deer in the yard (right by the barn) and we were able to enjoy watching them from the family room windows. (and we traveled the house...window to they moved) :)
   Then, Jake took his first tests in school.  And he made an "A" on each of them (math and language).
   He also read from his Bible reader for the first time and did very well.  Nothing like hearing your child able to read God's word by himself.

   Then, Jake had swim practice for the first time.  Mom ended up coaching him and another boy that we know from library and church.  But, it was good to see him working hard and trying new things.

  And...for the first time in 3 weeks...we have HEAT!  (Of course, the weather is warming up now for a stretch...)

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