Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Zoo

  Normally I might be referring to our home life as "the zoo".  However, we really did take a trip to the zoo in Indianapolis Friday.  And the boys loved it. 

We have talked recently about water...and this week was focusing on oceans.  The zoo is set up by biomes and has a good Oceans exhibit...including a baby shark petting area. 

So, the boys and I took off early Friday morning in order to be back by swim practice.  For me, it was the most productive zoo visit ever. 

Jake's favorites...
   --the dolphin show
   --the shark petting
   --the roaring lions (we really did get to hear them roar...all three of them...several times)
   --the baby elephant
   --watching the baboons

Joe's favorites...
   --the bare bottom monkeys (baboons :)
   --the giraffes...especially the running one
   --the yellow and black striped animal (tiger)...which they got to be VERY close to...face to face with only glass between...amazing
   --the dolphin show
   --the shark petting

Petting the sharks

Watching the sea lions...under water

Laughing at the penguins...(grandpa would have enjoyed this)

Waiting for the dolphin show

Watching (and listening to) the sea lions...above water...  This guy on the rock had his eyes closed and would kind of flinch.  We wondered if he would fall off the rock.  Meanwhile the other two on the next rock down were yelling at each other fighting for their space on the rock.  I told the boys it was just like home! :)

Practicing our ski moves...

The yellow and black striped thing...this is the female...and the male was behind glass on the other side of us (in case you can't tell by the intense look in her eyes).

Love Joe's look

The lions

 Hear them roar...

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