Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Week...

It has been a busy but good week  so far as we try to get back in the groove. 

As we have been talking about each book of the Bible with school this week, Jake has opened his Bible to find the book.  He started reading the first couple of verses in Numbers and was SO excited that he could read from his OWN Bible.   Fun moment!

We have enjoyed some beautiful mornings where the pink glow of the sun is on the horizon while the full moon/near full moon is setting out the family room window.  And then the reverse at the end of the day.  Pink glow in the west with huge moon in the east!   
Joe thought the moon went down and turned into the sun that comes up on the other side.  So, we were able to prove this to be false! :)   It is also fun that our science lesson this week is about the sun, stars, and we talk about creation day 4 and then see the beauty outdoors.  (What a reminder that God is the God of perfect timing!)

We found some fun books at the library this week.  It is always fun to find good books at the library.  We enjoy reading stories so much.  Joe loves to cuddle as we read and Jake never likes to miss what I am reading to Joe.  This week, Jake signed up to get his own library card.  So, he is very excited.  And he is able to read more books on his own.   What a fun process to watch...

Jake and Joe went to Mama and Papa's Tuesday while we had  swim meet.  Joe was delighted to flip the switch for the outdoor lights and help turn on all the indoor lights.  And...apparently Papa was watching the weather report out west where they have gotten 10 feet of snow in the mountains.  Jake wants to travel back to Winter Park and sled down the big hill. 

Wednesday was a beautiful day.  So, the boys and I rode bikes around the yard.  Then we rode out into the field next door to check out some of the hills.  From our kitchen window they looked like good sledding hills...short but steep.  So, we checked them out and found a few good spots to drive the 4-wheeler to. 
Then, we found a ditch area that fed into a dried up creek bed.  So, after lunch, we put on our muck boots and we came back out to investigate it.  We climbed into the dried up creek bed and dodged thorn bushes as we traveled along.  Daisy found us and joined the journey...!  We reached a point where the dried creek bed met/intersected some water and we discovered a whole winding creek that has water in it.  Some of it was frozen on top; so the boys enjoyed poking it with sticks.  Joe was very worried about Daisy falling in.   We continued to follow deer paths (they were everywhere...and I do mean everywhere...tons of them) along the water and through the woods.  By the time we reached the area with the ice we could see our neighbors' house.  So we had perspective of where we were...although Jake quickly recognized the meadow that we had hiked to from our house in January.  So, that was helpful for the boys to see how close they are to the house while still being able to explore.  Basil joined us for awhile too.  And we ventured back through the deer trails to our house.  A fun journey!

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