Thursday, November 29, 2012

Flipping the switch

The day after Thanksgiving, we decided to take the boys to the lighting of the tree that is in the center of downtown Indy.  The boys were very excited. 

We did a little shopping while in Indy and then headed downtown.   It was a COLD night. So, we were bundled and ready to try to keep warm.  Fortunately enough other people chose to do the same ...which helped keep us surrounded by other warm bodies.  Although, the songs being performed did have repeated songs by a different performer and Jake was heard saying "This is boring!" he stood in the crowd....looking at people's legs!

As we held the boys, listening to music and waiting for "the moment"...Josh mentioned the fireworks to Jake.  Jake got worked up and worried about fireworks...and then Joe got wind of it...and he got worked up and worried about them, too.   So, we had to do some constant calming for the next 10-15 minutes. 

But finally...Santa journeyed through the crowd in his "sleigh" (a decorated truck).  And he took the stage... and flipped the switch...

Then...the fireworks started...and they were on the other street behind some buildings in front of us.  So, we could see the fireworks' reflection in another building (sometimes seeing them above the building in front of us) and the sound was muffled.  So, it all ended up being okay !    Whew!  And the boys enjoyed it after all! :)

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