Saturday, November 12, 2011

Settling in

   After a week of settling in (and constantly playing hide and seek with boxes as the boys ask for something and I try to figure out where in the world it might be), things are starting to fall into a rhythm. (well, sort of...since having two young children doesn't really allow for much predictability! :))
   We have begun to look for a house... still looking...patiently!?!?!?!  And we've begun to plug into church...finding all sorts of gems to be a part of as a family! The boys have enjoyed getting to play with boys and girls their age. (I am especially glad for lots of boys their age!) Both boys are excited about going to church already...probably b/c they are stuck with mom otherwise. Although, Jake has commented more than once that he has not made any friends yet. How do I explain to a 5 year old that relationships take time...? :)
   We enjoyed a warm weather day with a picnic lunch at the park where we played on the playground, rode bikes across the blue bridge, threw rocks in the water (except the ducks thought it was food), ran through the leaves, and tossed them in the wind.  Fun afternoon for sure...

    Can't forget the trips to the library...we are excited to now be able to check out 100 books at a time.  I know, it sounds funny, but when we've been limited to 18 I now feel so free!  (Kids books can be so short...and reading them 10 times in a row is not very exciting for the adult!)
   We also got to go to the library for a great homeschool class (Science in the Kitchen) where Jake (and Joe) got to get messy with other kids.  Jake was so excited and so motivated leading up to the class.  He sat down on Tuesday afternoon (while dinner was being fixed) and colored a picture very carefully...saying "I need to practice since I'll be doing schoolwork with other kids the next day!"  (I must admit his coloring was impressive compared to former coloring!)

Needless to say, the class was very fun for both boys.  Joe got more messy than Jake (no surprise there), but Jake loved the interaction! 
   I'm reminded that we are designed for relationships.  I'm grateful for the relationships developing and all that are yet to come!

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