Friday, November 18, 2011

Running errands

   Jake was going to town with Papa (probably b/c Papa was going to the bank...and last time at the bank, Jake got some candy).  Anyway...I asked Joe if he wanted to go run errands with me.  His response...a peppy, "sure!".
   So, Joe and I hopped in the car and headed to town to mainly drop boxes off from church to some local businesses and then head to the library.  Joe was sporting his sunglasses as we went from business to business (even though they sat on the outside of his pulled up jacket hood).
   When we got to the library, Joe didn't want to go in.  "Can I just stay in the car while you go in?"
So, I reminded him we could check out a tractor video I had seen the other day (he has watched all 4 of our John Deere videos this week and is wanting to watch them again).  This got him into the library...where he walked around with his hood up, chattering away about books and videos.  As I was putting returned videos on the counter, he was scouting the video section and quickly came back to me saying, "I don't see it, Mom. They don't have a tractor video."  So, I went around to show him the spot I had seen it and there it was.  "Oh, there it is, Mom.  Thanks!" He took it and held it under his arm along with a Mega Truck video saying, "There it is. There is the tractor video. Can we watch it when we get home?" (over and over).  I chose another couple videos and told him what I had picked.  He had little comments along the way for those too..."Oh yeah. Sure. Sure!"  Then he was ready to go check out.  So, I reminded him we could get some new books.  "I don't want any."  "You don't want any new books to look at and read the next few days?  How about some tractor books?"  "Sure, let's get some tractor books! Where are they?  I don't see any tractor books, Mom.  Oh, look at this one,  and this one.  Can we get this one?  And this one?  How about this one?" (You get the idea!)  Then I suggested we look for some non-tractor books.  "Sure" says Joe.  And after picking out several from one spot, we stood up and Joe says, "How 'bout we look down this aisle?  What about this one?  (pulling random book off shelf)  And this one looks good (pulling another random book off the shelf)."  He got a couple more using this method...and then my bag was more than full.  So, we went to check everything out.  He put his tractor video on the counter, waited for it to be checked out, and then wanted to hold it again. Once all the books were checked out, the librarian held the receipt up and measured it against him...and it was taller than he was!
   When we got back to the car, he climbed in with his video "Thanks for the tractor video." and clutched it asking, "Now we go run errands?"  I said, "Yes, we have a couple more."
   We dropped another package off (which he wanted to carry probably b/c it had candy canes on top...hoping one would fall off, I'm sure).  I asked if he wanted to go into Walmart to look for some gloves. "No, I don't want to." We discussed this--with no change of opinion--and then headed to the last place we needed to drop off a package.
   Once back in the car, he says, "Now we go run errands?"  I said, "We have been running errands." "No, I want to go where we went last night (which could mean 3 months ago) with Daddy." "Ok, well, where was that?" He answered me with some long response that made no sense. So, I further asked, "Can you tell me where it was or what we were doing?"  He replied again with some long response that still made no sense.  Then, I asked, "Did you think that 'run errands' means we're going to run around?"  "Yeah" he said with a "duh" sound in his voice.  So, I had to explain the difference between running errands and running on a playground.
   By the time we got home, he had fallen asleep in the car and our plan to go to the playground to run had to be put on hold. Later, he was explaining the difference to Papa..."Run errands is when you go drop boxes off at different places. Run is where you just play."



  1. Awww. Clutching the tractor videos and dreaming of running errands. I love this kid to pieces! Give him a hug for me.
