Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's raining...it's SNOWING...

Yes, I do believe the weather folks told us we would not be getting any snow in our area.  And, yes, that does make it almost a guarantee that we will! :) Currently, about 2-3 inches on the ground...and still coming down...!
The boys (especially Joe) were excited to go out and play in it.  And, being a nice WET snow, it was perfect for throwing many snowballs! 

Just before we were heading in, I yelled to the boys (who were pulling an empty sled while running around) to head around the barn one last lap before we headed inside.  Yeah, I forgot the garden was under the snow (i.e. 2 days of rainy mud). Joe got stuck and as he tried to get out, he kept falling down because his boots were sucked in and stuck.  Jake couldn't get one boot out because his boots are loose enough that his foot kept coming out.  Ugh!  Needless to say, they were a muddy mess.

We took a trip to town after all of this--which (I realized on the way home) gave the boys their first real ride in the snow. In Tennessee we would play in the snow before/until it melted...not wasting time driving around in it since it usually melted in a few hours!  So, tonight the boys enjoyed seeing all that they could see and viewing the Christmas lights.  Papa will enjoy seeing the lights reflecting in the snow tonight when he gets home from work! If it ever stops snowing, I'll snap a picture and post it!


  1. well, at least playing in the snow's not boring! :-)

  2. no kidding...but surprisingly, joe was very disturbed by the whole mud incident. he has repeatedly said that it was not fun!
