Saturday, November 26, 2011

HighLIGHTS from last week...

   Mama and Papa have great tradition in their Christmas decor routine.  So, the day after Thanksgiving consisted of Mama pulling out tote after tote from the basement...all filled with Christmas decorations for the house.  I'm not sure how much the boys helped...but they (especially Jake) did enjoy discovering all the various goodies that each tote held.  A lot of the items are things that light up.  So, there was great expectation and excitement for the sun to go down so the lights could be turned on.
   Meanwhile, while Mama was busy lighting up the inside of the house, Papa's job was to cover the house, the yard, and the bushes with lights.  (It was a sunny, warmer day. So, he lucked out with that.) This job included trips to the roof to hang the icicle lights.  And both boys ventured on the roof with Papa to see what they could see.
   Now, as dusk falls each night, the boys delightedly scurry around the house with Mama to allow everything come to light!

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