Sunday, November 6, 2011

First time fishing...

   Sunday afternoon...what is it good for?  Well, today (after time for rest), Papa had a treat for the boys. He had found the fishing poles, gotten new bobbers, dug up worms, and asked the neighbor if we could fish in her pond.  So, when the boys got up from their nap, we headed in the back of Papa's truck to go fishing in the pond...a first for the boys!

   The chance to practice casting a line at Bass Pro Shop paid off b/c Jake did well at this.  He patiently stared at his bobber...noting any movement.  And it didn't take long for a bite.  I think he actually had 4 fish on his line through the course of our time there, but only 1 was actually caught.  It was a good sized fish, Mama helped pull it in.  Jake was a little concerned about what the fish would do (having just watched the fish Mama caught flop around on the dock after Papa got the hook out and accidentally dropped it before getting it to the water) he refused to get near it for a picture.  But a few minutes later, he was determined to catch another fish so he could get his picture with it!

   Meanwhile, Joe's interest in fishing lasted about 30 seconds.  So, he spent the time exploring in the grass, scaring us as he jumped on the dock (and climbed to and from the boat tied up), finding sticks to fish (for pretend) with, etc!  He found a rather large stick with multiple branches coming off of it and he declared it was great for roasting marshmallows...for all of us! :)

   As Jake and I rode back to Papa's in the back of his truck, I asked what his favorite thing was... "All of it", Jake replied.  So, I asked what he didn't like... "Not taking my picture with the fish," he said.  I reminded him that being cautious is okay and that I wished we had been able to get a picture, too.  But we'd get to fish again soon...!  Hopefully we'll have another warm enough day to enjoy doing this!

   I enjoyed seeing the beauty of nature...reflections of colorful leaves and the sun, hearing the combine and tractor harvesting nearby, watching the ripples of water where fish neared the surface, listening to Joe as he blazed trails through the grass exploring, and hearing Jake delight in every movement of the bobber! Creation is a beautiful thing that we are created to enjoy and I'm glad I got to enjoy it fully this afternoon!

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