Sunday, November 20, 2011

Great Quotes of the week...

   Papa had asked Joe if he wanted to go for a ride in his truck.  "No, I'm helping Mama clean toilets."
Later, Papa was telling Joe about the combine and tractors he saw. "Really, where were dey?", asked Joe. "Boy, Joe, you missed out on seeing those b/c you chose to stay and clean toilets with Mama!"  Daddy piped in saying, "Yeah, you'll learn that it's always more fun to go with Papa.  You never know when you'll be able to drive tractors, four-wheelers, or the truck.You might have fun playing with Mama now...and she knows she had better enjoy the time you want to play with her, but eventually you'll know to go do stuff with Papa as you get bigger." 
Jake replied with, "And then Papa will come live with us boys!" 

   After Joe woke up from his nap, he wanted to go outside. It was a bright sunny day, but very windy and cold.  I told Joe it was very cold out, but that he could see if he wanted to go out and play.  Joe went to the door, opened it a few inches and quickly responded..."It's too cold. I not go outside!"
   I guess experiencing something is the best teacher! :)

   On Wednesday, we went to a friends' house to play.  As we left, we were sent home with some chocolate chip cookies for all of us to enjoy (6 to be exact).  Joe took the initiative to be in charge of the container.  But little did we know how much he would guard and delegate its contents.  Both boys told Papa not to eat all the cookies and Papa said he would try not to.
   On Friday morning, Papa teased Joe saying, "Boy those cookies sure were good."  Joe was at the sink helping rinse dishes and froze in his position with a very serious look on his face.  Papa went on about how good the cookies were and Joe looked at him and asked, "Did you eat all dem?"  Papa said, "Oh yeah, the ones in the red container...and they were good!!!"  Joe paused and thoughtfully said,  "Let me see the container!"  I picked it up off the counter and barely shook it. With no noise coming from it, Joe looked concerned...until I opened it for him to see the 4 cookies still there.  Joe looked at Papa (in delighted relief) and said, "You were teasing me!" 

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