Sunday, November 20, 2011


   We haven't gone on any field trips lately. So, I suggested that we go somewhere on Saturday.  Jake told Mama..."We're going to go away all day so you can have the house to yourself since you don't have to work." And later while praying, "Thank you that we can go somewhere tomorrow, all day, so we don't have to be bored at the house all day!" (I guess he has forgotten that he is the one who has wanted to stay at the boring house and play with his boring toys!)
   After scouting out some different places to go, I finally settled on Versailles State Park.  So, I packed the car with some food, some library books, bikes, balls, and 3 kinds of coats for each of us (still not used to how the weather feels).
   We traveled past lots of harvested fields as well as a few that had combines and tractors out working. The boys were delighted to see farm equipment in use and parked on people's property. "We've seen a lot of farm stuff, Mom", says Jake. "That's cool."  And, of course, Joe constantly was talking in a high pitched excited voice..."Mom, I see a tractor over dere."
   At one point while driving, Joe says, "Mom, I want to show you something.  Can I show you?"  "Well, I'm driving Joe so I can't turn around. "  "Maybe I can show you when we stop."  "Yeah, that would be fine."  "Mom, can you turn around and look at this?"  "Well, Joe, I'm driving."  "Can you just pull over and stop?" Jake (the cautious one) pipes in with, "Well there isn't really anywhere safe to stop right now."  Joe proceeded with..." I like dis dirt bike, and dis one, and I like dis one, and dis one..."  He was looking at the racing library book and wanted to show me his favorites...NOW!

   Once at VSP, the boys hopped their bikes to take a little ride. There was hardly a person to be found, so they enjoyed riding in the road for a little while.

   Then, we took a short hike (which always includes picking stuff up to throw in any water that might be nearby)...   Here the boys found some holes in the ground from some rodent and decided to stuff the opening with leaves..."so the big worm can't get out," says Jake.  (The hole openings were at least quarter sized or more...which I pointed out would be an enormous--not big--worm!!!!)

This was followed by kicking around the soccer ball (or just tackling...from Joe's perspective).

   And, then we found some leaf which Joe (who LOVES running through leaves) immediately jumped around tossing leaves followed by laying on his back and saying, "I make snow angel."--which he did proceed to do with leaves.

We finally found the 3rd playground......where the boys enjoyed their favorite--the tire swing...

...and Joe had a blast "popping wheelies" on his pretend dirt bike......and the boys paused long enough in their motorcycle and 4-wheeler pretend races for some pictures...

...Joe waits for his turn in the race...

Then, we ventured toward a trail by the water where Joe quickly found "a disc" and proceeded to drag it behind him along the path...for like a half mile...

  However, as we exited the trail to head back to the car, Joe promptly dropped the stick to leave it behind saying, "We can't fit it in the car."  Yet, moments later, he found this...and wanted to take it in the car (thanks to Jake's prompting)...

Oh, and a slight detour on the way to the car...finding a ton of leaves caught under and between the picnic tables...

I'm surprised we didn't find any leaves in the boys' clothes once we got home.

Overall, a very fun fall day!!!!!

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