Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bears cookies

   Grammie and Grandpa took a trip to Chicago this past week.  Since Mama and Papa's is an easy stop on the way, we were able to see them for about an hour.  Grandpa (a Minnesota fan) showed his love for his grandsons by purchasing Chicago Bears cookies from a family favorite bakery in Chicago.  The cookies were delivered personally with love...and eaten with great appreciation.  I didn't show the cookies to the boys until after dinner that night. The boys were delighted to see the cookies...and Jake even commented in the midst of his bites... "Good thing Grandpa didn't buy us Vikings cookies. We wouldn't have been able to eat those!" Joe piped in with, "Yeah, we need to say thank you!" Thus, the boys realized how much it took for Grandpa to buy the cookies for the boys! :)

   Joe managed to wear a lot of his cookie...and needed an immediate shower.  But promptly after his shower he asked, "Can we call Grammie and Grandpa to say thank you now?"  He enjoyed telling them what cookie he ate and what colors were on it, etc!  And he was sure to let them know how much he enjoyed eating the cookie!
   Simple pleasures...they go a long way!

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