Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Hey, boys, Jen and Andy are engaged..."

So, I thought I would video tape the boys' response when I told them that Aunt Jen was now engaged to Andy.  I was interested to see if Joe would understand any of the idea.  Enjoy...


  I find myself today reflecting on some details of both the very recent and the past.  Maybe you'll be encouraged by my sharing...

  Josh had a swim banquet last night.  Six years ago was the last time we were at that same banquet.  I was pregnant with Jake and we had no clue what God had on our journey plan in a mere 10 months.  We had plans; we had ideas...and yet we had no idea of the plan He had for us.
  Now, He has brought us back to the same place...with a better (and easier) plan than ours was 7 years ago.  Plus, when we see all that we've been exposed to and learned in the last 7 years, we see that His plan has prepared us for this perfect timing of His to being doing what He wants us to do...when He wants us to do it.  And while I could expound on this...I'll leave it at this...Greater plan, greater purpose...greater peace!

  My sister got engaged last night...to a perfect match.  Of course, there have been years of not-so-perfect matches.  But again, I see God's timing to prepare each of them for the moments of joy they'll share now...it's perfect, as only He can be.
  Oh, and my sister had previously put her house on the market for quite awhile with no luck selling it.  She took it off the market for a good stretch of time and recently decided to put it back on the market to see if it would sell.  It did...in 3 days...because God knew it was time for it to sell as she prepared to marry and live elsewhere.

  I just did our budget for the month.  This is the ump-teenth month now that we should be out of money or short of money since Josh hasn't had consistent employment for 3 years.  But, yet again, somehow :), the numbers work out...just right...with enough money to have a bit still in savings.  Even though 3months or 2 months ago, I would have thought the savings account would be dry by now and we would really be stretched...it's not so when it's God's bank account.  And, of course, this is also the month we will begin to have regular checks of income as Josh starts the school year.  Yeah...not so sure when that last happened! :)

  The sermon yesterday...Ephesians 3:14-21... 
"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
How often do I forget to ask the God of the universe--who has known all things since/before creation--to do "immeasurably more than all I ask or imagine"?

  As Josh and I celebrate 14 years of marriage next week, I'm reminded (again) of the verse I placed on our wedding bulletin...Psalm 126:3..."The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"  

"To God be the glory...forever and ever...Amen!"

Take a listen...

Here are some videos of random things...!  


Monday, July 30, 2012


 Jake woke up Friday singing the Olympic Spirit song. (We've been gearing up for the Olympics through music in the last couple of weeks.)  So, Jake is obviously ready for the Olympics.

We have also been doing an Olympic unit study that I found online.  So, you can see the Olympic flag we created as well as the flip side of the flag where Jake is posting the things he is learning.

Joe is creating his own masterpiece.  He can better explain his abstract art to you.  It's fascinating what he does create that has nothing to do with what we are doing, but has something to do with...well...something! :)  (I think he was talking about a baseball field on the shiny paper...pointing out to me where the batter, pitcher, and catcher would be!)

Here, Joe wrote his name by himself...

More drywall

 Views of the downstairs...


family room
some very good help

the drywall cabin

look who is taking a snack break in the doorway

Monday, July 23, 2012

Drywall...can you believe it?

FINALLY...we are drywalling.  And it's going fast.  Last week was the upstairs...

the boys' room...looking toward their closets

the boys' room...looking toward the doorway

master bedroom

the work crew

master bedroom

master bedroom

spare bedroom (aka...aunt jen's room)



the dying tree got a hair cut
I'll post pics from the downstairs soon!

More of the fair


So...the fair continued...

Monday night was "all rides = 1 ticket", so the boys used up the tickets given to them by the Smiths (for walking the goats).  They had a blast. 

helicopter ride

Racing on the burlap bags down the Fun Slide

Daddy and Joe won!
Ready on the scrambler...Dad and Jake, Mom and Joe

   A friend, Landon, introduced the boys to the fun house...which kept us entertained and kept the boys laughing hysterically.  (watch the two videos below for some laughs)

Landon and Jake also got to ride bumper cars together!

 Jake was proud of his work that was displayed. He did a very thorough job in explaining his work to the judges (although all Mini 4-H participants get ribbons for their work at this level).  And in the process, Jake now better spells his last name (don't have to write it much with homeschooling). :)

   And, of course, we had fun eating fair food, watching model rockets being launched, seeing the parade (learning to fetch candy), checking out the tractors and equipment, watching the tractor pull, and seeing friends show pigs, sheep, and horses! It was a fun year at the fair...and we learned a lot in the process.

Monday, July 16, 2012

It's Fair time in Decatur County...

Who knew that two little boys could spend hours at the fair...happy and entertained!  We have spent time at the fair every day...checking on Black and Tag (the neighbors' goats that the boys helped walk), checking on all the Swartzentruber's goats and pigs, eating ice cream, watching the parade, watching friends show animals, eating ice cream, watching the horse showing, petting the baby piglets, chicks, calf, and alpaca, eating ice cream, and more...!

I think the boys got so used to me not knowing people in TN that they get a bit annoyed when I stop to talk with people every few minutes.  However, I have seen many familiar faces, caught up with several former students, and had time to chat with friends I don't normally get to chat with.  So, it's been fun.

They came, they worked, they left...

"This time Grammie and Grandpa came to Indiana and are heading to Tennessee, " said Jake as Grammie and Grandpa pulled out of Mama and Papa's driveway.  "It's backwards from what it usually is!"

It was so nice having them come and help.  A quick, short visit...but helpful and enjoyed just the same.

Grandpa helped hang the ceiling drywall while Grammie helped watch the boys, helped paint, helped shop, and went for a bike ride with Joe and Jake. We ate.  And we ate some more. And we got some ice cream after that!

Friday night we went to the Demolition Derby at the county fair...which was a whole experience in and of itself that the boys continue to talk about and re-enact with their toys.

Grammie said she'll be warming up her painting hands.  So, we'll look forward to having them join us for the painting marathon...sooner than later!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Goats and corn

 The Smiths are out of town and asked the boys to help walk their goats (that will be in the fair) while they are gone.  The fair starts before they get back.  So, this is an important job! 

Tag and Black are the names to remember.  And they are definitely not used to us.  Josh had to take them and lead them so they would stay focused and walk.  But Jake has given it a try...only to hang on for dear life as the goat he is "walking" tries to pull him along.  We're hoping that the goats will get used to it enough that Jake can walk one of them in the next couple of nights.  (I still think Joe would be better off riding one that walking one with his height and strength!) :)
But the boys have enjoyed hanging out in the barn with all the goats...little to bigger in size.  And they have been feeding them the "greener grass" on the other side of the fence...which the goats love!

Yesterday, some of the corn was ready in Mama and Papa's garden.  So, the boys came home after church and put on their work clothes and boots...and jumped in to help. 

taking a water break in the shade

tossing the husk to the cows...who LOVED this
investigating one of the worms in the corn