Saturday, July 7, 2012

There was a lady who swallowed a fly...

 And I wish I had been her...  Because I managed to take in a bee (felt like the size of a huge bumblebee but was probably the mere size of a sweat bee) and get stung (at least once) in the back of the throat before getting it out of my mouth!   In case you are wondering how that might have happened, I took a drink from Josh's water jug and apparently where he left the drinking spout open, a bee had entered in search of water.  Talk about instant sore throat!!!!

 In other news, here is the way we spent our super hot Friday...

And we found a praying mantis in the detached garage that we spent some time investigating...

1 comment:

  1. Weird. No bee stings for years and then I got stung on the lip by what felt like a bumble on my bike ride last week, 15 miles in. It was fine until the next day, when it was swollen up on one side of my mouth. A suggested it was a good look for me and perhaps we should consider Botox to plump up both of my lips. :-)
