Tuesday, July 3, 2012


   The boys have at times watched a couple old flicks on TV with either Grandpa or Papa. With Grandpa, it's been old war movies and with Papa, it's been old police movies. 

   So, a couple weeks ago, the boys were playing with some army guys.  I was near enough to overhear what they were doing.  I heard them singing some music/notes in a very rhythmic fashion.  It took me a second, but I shortly thereafter asked..."Is that the dramatic music before something big happens to your army guys?"  Without hesitation, they replied, "Yep" and carried on like it was no big deal.  I just started laughing. 

   I forget about them doing this until they are playing and I begin to hear the same dramatic rhythm being sung. (It's distinctive.) Last night, it was with the firefighters.  I tried to capture it on video...but Joe (who was the one initially singing it this time) couldn't remember what he had been singing by the time I had the video camera.  And Jake couldn't pick it up either,.... but did have a great musical rendition for a less dramatic part of a movie.  :)

   Carry on...boys.   Carry on! :)

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