Monday, July 16, 2012

They came, they worked, they left...

"This time Grammie and Grandpa came to Indiana and are heading to Tennessee, " said Jake as Grammie and Grandpa pulled out of Mama and Papa's driveway.  "It's backwards from what it usually is!"

It was so nice having them come and help.  A quick, short visit...but helpful and enjoyed just the same.

Grandpa helped hang the ceiling drywall while Grammie helped watch the boys, helped paint, helped shop, and went for a bike ride with Joe and Jake. We ate.  And we ate some more. And we got some ice cream after that!

Friday night we went to the Demolition Derby at the county fair...which was a whole experience in and of itself that the boys continue to talk about and re-enact with their toys.

Grammie said she'll be warming up her painting hands.  So, we'll look forward to having them join us for the painting marathon...sooner than later!

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