Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's 100+ HOT...

   We have had a very hot week of weather.  Combined with no rain in's just plain hot and dry.
   I like hot and dry (ie...little to no humidity) because it is so different from hot and humid that we have endured in TN for the last 5 years.  And, because it is actually enjoyable to get hot and then enjoy the cool of the shade!

   However, I don't think Jack and Josh are enjoying the heat as much.  It stays pretty comfortable in the house for a stretch of the day because of the evening coolness.  But once the house heats up, it gets hot and makes you sweaty fast!
   But because they have endured through the heat, they have finished installing the garage door/door opener.  And we have another water spigot added to the west side of the house.  The plumbing is nearing a finish.  Electrical is pretty much finished. And we are looking at the next big purchase (big in multiple ways), insulation and drywall! 
   I'm to the point where I have to shut down my brain when I think about actually getting to live in our house.  I'm too excited and too ready for life to return to a little more normal way of living.  The boys are ready too (which they voice more and more often).  And, we'll all be glad when Dad can do stuff with us again on a regular basis!

   Now the boys and I have been keeping busy through the week.  I mowed Monday...which I believe was a record time (finally starting to figure out the most efficient way to mow a  large yard with lots of obstacles still).  The boys enjoyed time in the sandbox. 
   Tuesday, we were at the library for a good part of the day with story time and activities.
   Wednesday, we hung out at Mama and Papa's until the library pool party in the evening.  This was one of the rewards for the summer reading program.  Upon arriving and getting ready to get in the water, Joe asked when we would be eating cake.  I guess he has a strong association with "party" and "cake"! :)
   Thursday, we hung out with our friends, Jessi and Sveta...heading to a splash pad in Harrison, Ohio, and then going swimming at their mom/grandma's house in Lawrenceburg, Ohio.  It was over 100 degrees on this a perfect way to spend the day.
  Friday, we stayed inside...recovering from the week and trying to stay cool.  And we headed to church in the evening for a dinner.
  Saturday...we were at the house.  The boys enjoyed their little pool of cold water to play in while the rest of us tried to get some work done!
  Today...the agenda is church and then house! (some things don't change! :)

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