Monday, July 2, 2012

Hide and seek...

   I forgot to share this story in my last post.  So, I'll sneak it in here...only because it's too cute to leave out.

   So, last Tuesday after we ate dinner, we were working on the house for a bit and then planned to play hide and seek with the boys before heading home.  I figured the boys might be scared about hiding around the yard by themselves (even though I we could actually see around the yard).  Jake was fine, but Joe wanted a teammate.  Well, that lasted like 2 rounds.  Joe was soon ready to be by himself as we played.
   We took turns being the counter while the others would hide.  Well, it was Josh's turn to count.  He found Jake and I, but had circled the playing boundaries without finding Joe.  So, Jake, Josh, and I headed around to try to see if we could find Joe.
    Josh had gone around the front of the house and I had ventured around the back.  As I came around the corner, I saw Joe's head popping back down into his hiding place...he had just popped up a little, looked to see if we were near him, and popped back down.  Just then, Josh spotted him, too.
   So, where was his great hiding place?   In the tomato plants (which are only about 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall since we've had little/no rain).  He could fit right down between the plants (in the dirt, of course) and not even be seen in the leafage!  Hilarious!
   We think he has gotten the hang of the game because his next hiding place was a pretty good thought, too...between the big pile of dirt and the debris hole in the backyard. (So--he was behind the big pile of dirt and you would have to get pretty close to see him.) The only reason Jake found him was because Joe kept dancing around behind the pile to see if Jake was near.  (I was nearby...having fun watching Joe peek out!)

 On another note...from Friday...
   Here are some videos of Joe playing Wii.  I don't think he would make it down a mogul hill if he were using these snow skiing techniques. 

Snow skiing...

But--he might be able to have a knock out in his boxing!  (I wish you could more clearly see the constant grin on his face as he does this!

   I wish I had a video camera the day Jake looked at his sunflowers and saw they were open.  It was a squeal of delight and laughter...pure joy.  So childlike, yet so pure in nature...delight at the fruit of his labor.
   Before this picture, he stated he was glad the bees were helping his plant grow and he wanted to tell them thank you!!!  (I guess he has listened to some of our lessons on plants and bees this summer! haha...)

    He hopes to salvage the sunflower seeds to be able to eat them.  (I think 3 others of us will be glad for him to do this...and share! :) 

   Josh and I have talked about putting a sunflower field (Kansas-style) between the barn and the road (not the whole area, but a large section).  I've pondered if I can sell roasted sunflower seeds at the farmer's market.  But I need to look into how to prepare them for something like that.   Dreaming...

1 comment:

  1. You could totally sell roasted sunflower seeds - love this idea. I just love sunflowers, period!
