Monday, July 9, 2012

6th birthday

On Jake's birthday, he woke up at 6:41 am (also the time of his actual birth, ironically).  No one else was up except Jake and mom until about 8 am.  So, we read some library books and opened a couple birthday cards.
Then, Jake made a change in his breakfast menu from chocolate chip pancakes to donuts and eggs since Papa had brought home some donuts from the bakery after he worked!

Jake quickly dove into opening presents and cards after breakfast.  And he began playing! :)
 He went to the house with Dad and we soon followed.  After a couple hours and lunch at the house, we headed to Mama and Papa's for Joe's nap.  Jake and I played with his toys and checked out the praying mantis we had found at the house.
Then, once dad was home, Jake was "if-y" on his plans to go to the playground and outdoor pool (it was 105 degrees out!). It clouded up enough that we went out and had practice with a moving target and his new bow and arrow.  Both boys did well aiming and shooting at a moving target.

It started to get sunny (and even hotter, again).  So, we went inside.  A few minutes later, it started to drip rain.  So, Jake and I went out to do a rain dance (after weeks with no rain).  Mama had washed her car...claiming it would help it rain.  It did.  The longer Jake and I ran in the rain drops, the harder the rain came.  Not too hard, but enough to at least create some puddles.  The puddle water was SO hot b/c the driveway was so hot.  Plus, they were producing bubbles galore as the heat rose in the puddled water. 
After awhile, it stopped.  So, we went inside to get ready for Jake's dinner request...Pizza King.
After dinner, we came back for cupcakes and mint chocolate chip ice cream with Mama and Papa.  Joe led us in singing Happy Birthday.  And we dug in...

All in all, it was a laid back, but memorable birthday for Jake!

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