Monday, July 16, 2012

It's Fair time in Decatur County...

Who knew that two little boys could spend hours at the fair...happy and entertained!  We have spent time at the fair every day...checking on Black and Tag (the neighbors' goats that the boys helped walk), checking on all the Swartzentruber's goats and pigs, eating ice cream, watching the parade, watching friends show animals, eating ice cream, watching the horse showing, petting the baby piglets, chicks, calf, and alpaca, eating ice cream, and more...!

I think the boys got so used to me not knowing people in TN that they get a bit annoyed when I stop to talk with people every few minutes.  However, I have seen many familiar faces, caught up with several former students, and had time to chat with friends I don't normally get to chat with.  So, it's been fun.

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