Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another one?

 Well, we have now found ANOTHER the southwest downstairs room.  I do believe it is the last one we can possibly find hidden behind a wall. It brings the grand chimney total to 4 interior, one in the summer kitchen, and the one exterior that was added later.  (so 6 total)

  And, speaking of more findings, we think we have found another well, too.  There is a cistern next to the corner where we first found the raccoon sleeping (southeast corner of the house).  Then, we found the well under the summer kitchen on Sunday.  And there are 2 other wells dug...with tops out in the backyard.  However, there is a pipe near the well we discovered Sunday that has us believing there is another well under it.  It started raining Monday, so we couldn't use the tractor to get at it and investigate.  So, a grand total of 5 water sources...

  Yesterday, Josh was walking to the detached garage with some stuff and saw a raccoon trotting toward the house from the pool area (yeah, in broad daylight).  He got the gun, but hit something with his foot while walking and scared the raccoon off without getting a shot at it.  (He did successfully take aim at a rabbit shortly after.) So...we know there must be more coons interested in our house still.

  Oh...another interesting find...Jack found an animal skull in the ceiling of the downstairs east room. 

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