Sunday, January 1, 2012

Careful where you step...

  Today (Dec 31)...bricks from the chimney were flying east as Jack started to tear down one of the four chimneys on our house.  He got the exterior tops off two of the chimneys (one between the east and the west bedroom and one between the wall of the north bedroom and the foyer/stairway north wall)

  Meanwhile, I was fully masked inside the house shoveling out debris and throwing it west.

  Needless to say, Santa will run out of chimney options soon.  And the piles on the west exterior side of the house are growing mounds.
  No raccoons have been caught yet.  But we did kill one of two mice in the wall today.   So, we call it progress...!

These are some "before" pictures...

Current views (Jan 1)...(the whole upstairs has the wall/ceiling plaster removed.)

  This week, we'll work on getting the interior parts of the chimneys out. Then, we'll start on the downstairs. 

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