Monday, January 16, 2012

Back at it...

  Well, I guess yesterday wasn't enough because the boys were excited this morning to go back to the house to help me clean up the last of the summer kitchen area today. We grabbed all kinds of shovels, rakes, and more...and headed to work.

  They did a lot of pushing and pulling things into the well opening.  Jack used the tractor to clean up the broken brick piles from the front of the house and we dumped those in the well, too.  We think this well is about 8 feet wide by about 13 feet deep.  So, you can imagine how much we could put in it to fill it.

  While digging, the boys found all kinds of treasures to add to their growing pile.  They found a baseball, a large wooden clothespin, tools and parts of tools, an old metal flatbed name a few. They had fun just playing in the soft dirt, too.

Other noteworthy parts of the day...
--I drove a tractor for the first
--We think we have discovered another the edge of the summer kitchen area. 
--We found another chimney in the southwest corner wall of the dining room (next to where the concrete block exterior chimney is).
--And we're on the look-out for more raccoons after Josh spotted one coming from the pool area to the back of the broad daylight!

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