Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What'd you do today?

I love thinking about how to answer this question on a day like today...when some really bizarre and "not so normal" things were part of my day.
Yeah...we dropped the roof on our new house today.  Oh, and we pulled up some siding and found a raccoon in the wall...between the kitchen walls.   You know.  Just another day in the neighborhood.

 Josh had pulled up this siding to see what was under it. About 10 minutes later, I pulled it up to take a closer look myself and subconsciously spotted fir INSIDE the wall while looking at the exterior.  I quickly dropped the siding and danced away from the house.  Jack laughed and said, " Is there a coon in there or something?"  I said, "It's something with fur!"  Josh went for a pitchfork and Jack held the siding with a broom while Rachel watched and I took pictures.  The pitchfork wouldn't fit through the opening b/c of a piece of wood across the area.  So, the coon got away.  BUT, we have purchased more marshmallows and some glue boards to see if the glue boards will create a distraction in the trap to cause the coon to fully get stuck inside!  We'll keep you posted!   Exciting times around here!!!

So, what'd you do today?

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