Monday, January 9, 2012

Up in smoke

So, it's been a few days since I've posted anything about the house.  That's because we've been working.  :) There have been several nice days (after a few VERY cold days with snow blowing in the house through the chimney holes and the open doors/windows).

First up...the chimneys...We have officially removed the two interior chimneys and almost all of the nearly 2000 good bricks that we stacked in the house as we took them down.  Yes, there was a day last week where all I did was move bricks around...stack 'em or throw 'em out the window. (I feared I would dream about bricks---and throw something in my sleep!)
  WOW!!!!  And Jack did so much more.  I think he actually touched all 3000 bricks in the 3 chimneys.  (He helped a co-worker take down the summer house chimney since his co-worker was interested in the brick.) The summer house chimney had two kinds of brick. So, we aren't sure yet what we'll do with the remainder.  We think we have enough brick to make a driveway, though...seriously!
  You see, the front room chimney was about 14 x 14 all the way from floor to roof.  The other main chimney (the one that Jack literally pushed over upstairs b/c the brick was so loose) was 14 x 14 from the roof through the floor joists on the second floor.  However, last Monday when we were taking the interior brick down, we had nearly finished the front chimney and had about 2 hours before dinner.  We thought we could get the main chimney done in the time we had.  So, Jack finished the front chimney while Josh and I started to tear into the wall around the main chimney.
  Josh pulled the fancy newer brick from the insert in the east room while I had the pleasurable job of whacking the plaster off the wall in the west room.  I couldn't believe it when I kept struggling to get the plaster off...only to find another brick.  The 14 x 14 shape had spread to a good 5 feet wide.  We soon discovered that just below the floor joists on the 2nd floor the 14 x 14 chimney continued down, but was housed in a 2 foot x 5+foot brick layer...that became solid brick from about shoulder height to the floor.  YIKES!  We worked on it until dark on Monday.  Then, Jack and Josh worked all day Tuesday to finish removing all that brick. (I was glad I missed that brick party!)
  Josh spent Wednesday moving the brick outside...10 at a time!  (Fun)  As a side note, when Jack and his co-worker removed the summer house bricks, they discovered several shoes, a couple straw hats, and a cane in the wall!

Second...demolition...Jack and I worked on plaster removal in the downstairs north room on Wednesday.  There was a lot of insulation in the walls in that room.  So, it was a nasty job.  But we loaded the insulation and plaster in the front loader tractor to start a pile.  Then we bundled the planks and started a burn pile.
  On Friday and Monday, I worked on removing the plaster in the downstairs front hall. Thus, the design of the curved staircase is fully visible.
  And Josh, Jake, and Jack worked on tearing off the summer kitchen on Friday and Monday.  I have to mention that Jake LOVED helping finally.  He grabbed a hammer and helped rip out nails and yank the siding off.  He wasn't too sure about the scaffolding on the wagon at first, but he got used to it.  When we got home, he was eating a snack (or a fourth lunch) and asked..."So, Mom, what was your favorite part about working on the house today?"

Third...the burn pile...The growing debris pile from all the upstairs rubbish was now in the way.  So, we couldn't throw more out the windows from the downstairs.  Thus, it had to be moved...and burned.  Jack started moving it on Saturday and then we (Jake, Joe, Josh, Jack, and I) worked on Sunday afternoon. Jake helped load the wagon and his little wheelbarrow...eager to help.  Joe wanted to know if we would be able to roast he happily journeyed around the yard with a couple sticks in his hand!
  The best part of the burn pile...getting the CARPET OUT OF THE HOUSE!  Boy, did it stank big time.  And it was an interesting item to watch burn...very black smoke!   So, I do think that the house smells much better all ready.  Or maybe I should say... the house smells a lot less now.

Fourth...the raccoon...We think we are dealing with a fat raccoon.  He loves the marshmallow trails to the sardines in the trap.  However, the closed trap with no raccoon inside is getting old.  We think it is so big that its bottom keeps the trap gate up and he can back out after feasting.  UGH!
  Josh and Jack have witnessed the 8-10 inches of poop piles in the summer house ceiling.  I think I will just trust them on that need to see it to believe it!

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